Tuesday 25 September 2012

How can they tell if their child is growing properly? Why is early learning important? (aveholidayhome.com)

The Importance of Child’s Play

Play is how children learn best.

Through play, children:
- Explore their world.
- Learn how to get along with others.
- Develop their skills and muscles.
- Try out new ideas.
- Learn problem solving.
- Build self-confidence.
- Expand language skills.

Support and encourage your child’s play.  Allow a variety of play experiences to help your child explore his/her environment. 

Set the stage for productive play with the following ideas.

Pretend Play

Keep items handy for your child such as:

- Toy telephone
- Dress up box with various clothing items
- Empty or hand-made grocery and/or cooking items
- Puppets, stuffed animals, dolls, cars, trucks

Solitary Play

Encourage independence by providing:
- Blocks
- Books
- Puzzles
- Empty cardboard boxes
- A box filled with safe, non-toxic art materials

Outdoor Play

Make your yard a discovery area by providing:
- Sandbox with a few plastic items, cars, trucks (cover when not in use)
- Bug catcher and magnifying glass
- Log or piece of timber for a balance beam
- Bucket, paint brushes, containers for water play
- Push and Pull toy
- Balls
Respond to your child’s play with interest and enthusiasm. 
Extend the play by joining in the fun or expanding the activity.

Chothavilai Beach,
Call: 04652-221337
Mob: 9500946903

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