Saturday 7 July 2012

The Art of Heart Maintenance(

To create a healthy heart three main stages are required:

1.    A full heart check up.
2.    Heart surgery (if necessary).
3.    A Heart Maintenance programme.

The Heart Checkup
              I have a friend who prides himself on his physical fitness.  He would regularly play squash and run, even though he lived an extremely busy life as a barrister and had a young family.  One day after a run he developed severe pain in his chest.  He immediately consulted his doctor, and tests showed that 90% of blood flow did not reach some parts of his heart.  He was shocked to know this. My friend’s experience prompted me to think.  How much love reaches my heart?  We often don’t realize how little love-flow reaches our heart, and naturally the less that goes in the less goes out.
            How do I test the love-flow to my heart?  The real signs are contentment with myself and others.  Pure love dissolves desires for others’ recognition and respect.  Pure love will also replace arrogance with humility.  Pure love will be so fulfilling that my natural response is to share love with others.  I won’t even feel empty.  So, how healthy is my heart?
Heart Surgery
            Depending on my checkup, I may need heart surgery.  The heart needs three types of love to become completely healthy, so sometimes surgery is required to begin the love-flow.

The First Surgery Procedure – Opening My Own Heart
            We all now the ingredients of a good relationship: respect, trust, honesty, openness, care, compassion—the list goes on.  Are these words that would describe my relationship with me? How do I treat myself?  Do I lovingly care for my heart, or do I put myself down, beat myself, undervalue myself?  This self-abusive behaviour seems to be at the core of my heart pain.
            We all want to be self-loving.  Why is it so hard sometimes?  We are educated to try and love an image.  Am I attractive, am I intelligent, am I successful?  I am trying to love the very barriers and facades I have built around my heart.  It has not only prevented others from coming close, it has prevented me coming close to me!
            The first surgery procedure removes the old self-image of my body, my status, my beauty, my wealth, and replaces it with the awareness of my spiritual self. First I begin to accept myself as I am.  Then, when I discover that my intrinsic original state is pure, I begin to heal deeply, and loving feelings for my true, authentic self emerge.  This is the story of “The Sleeping Beauty”: the beautiful and lovable part of my heart was locked up in a big dark castle, overgrown with hurts, pains and sorrow.  The prince gives the kiss of self-awareness that enables me to (awaken and) love my true self.

The Second Surgery Procedure – Opening My Heart to the Love of God
             The heart became so fragile and sensitive because I felt I was not lovable.  I could not accept love from anyone, especially God, because I did not feel worthy.
            But now that I have discovered my pure authentic self, this part of me can accept the love of God.  Sometimes I like to sit quietly and allow myself to be loved by God.  I put all other thoughts aside.  This love is such a tonic that it makes a weak heart strong, a broken heart whole, an empty heart full, and a closed heart open up.  It is the true love that I have always looked for, because, by definition, true love is love that always exists.  This love cannot leave me.

The Third Surgery Procedure – Giving and Taking Love with Others
             When my relationship with my own heart is strong and the heart of God is close, I have the foundation to care for my heart in any situation.  Not only to maintain my own heart, but interaction with others helps heal their hearts also.
            In my heart maintenance tool kit I carry some special tools that will help maintain my own heart and the hearts of others.  Before I begin any heart maintenance procedure, I need to decide which tools will be most effective in each situation.  It is suggested, if possible, to have a few moments of silence to discriminate clearly the procedure and tools required.

The Detachment Tool: this tool is essential to any heart maintenance kit.  To be truly loving, I must be detached.  Does that sound contradictory?  When I am dependent I am affected and influenced by those I am dependent on.  Every word or facial expression can affect my mood.  If, however, I use the tool of detached involvement, my love and support can be constant, regardless of the moods of others.
The Good Wishes Tool: this tool is incredibly versatile and can fix most hearts.  It comes from the realization that the foundation of positive relationships is good feelings.  This tool can fix cynicism and mistrust, and can help open hearts that have been closed.  For the tool to be effective, I need to learn the positive qualities of the other person and make a commitment to maintaining my vision on those qualities regardless of their fluctuations.
The Forgiveness Tool: this tool is extremely effective to clear away the rubbish of the past.  It can dissolve old rusty feelings and clear the air.  As soon as the forgiveness tool is applied, it instantly relieves heart pain and often the patient remarks, “If only I had used this tool earlier!” This tool works best with broken hearts that just can’t let go feelings of anger and resentment.
The Respect Tool:  this tool works best with heavy hearts: hearts that carry the weight of many mistakes and failures and when we just cannot see any beauty in our own heart.  The powerful self-belief is that I am unlovable, and as a result there is no self-respect.  Such hearts expect others not to love or like them.  The respect tool rekindles self-value and begins to remove the burden.
The Meditation Tool:  this is an essential tool in any Heart Maintenance Kit.  When the users know how to apply it, they become the master of looking after their own heart.  This tool shows us how to regularly check our own heart and see that the flow of true love in and out is regular.  An experienced user of this tool can instantly diagnose if a blockage has developed somewhere, and begin to remove it.

My Heart Maintenance Programme
                  My ongoing heart maintenance programme needs a healthy diet and regular exercise.  A healthy diet consists of a balanced consumption of positive and loving thoughts and feelings.  I need to be careful not to consume the fatty thoughts of negative self-talk that clog my love-flow.  Exercise for my heart consists of giving love to others.  If I do this exercise daily it will help maintain my heart.
                 When I learn the Art of Heart Maintenance, I have discovered the secret at the core of a happy and fulfilling life.
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